Summer Holidays

Staying safe in the heat

If you are going on holiday this summer then you should be careful when in the sun. Often people think that you only need to wear sun cream when abroad but this isn’t the case at all. The weather can be very hot even in the UK and if you are on the beach then there is often a breeze so you may not even feel how hot it is. Sun burn can be very dangerous and so you need to ensure that you do everything to protect yourself. Always wear sun cream when out in the sun and if you have skin that is prone to burn or children should always wear a higher factor. Factor 50 is usually good for kids but remember to reapply it if they go in the pool or every few hours otherwise.

Also ensure that you drink plenty of fluids. Avoid drinking too much alcohol in the heat as it can dehydrate you more.

When abroad, it is best to take your own sun cream with you. If you have to buy sun cream when away then be sure to try and get it from a reputable supermarket or chemist as some of the smaller independent shops may not have sun cream that has been properly tested to ensure it offers you the protection you need.

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