Travel Advice

The travellers must have gadgets

If you are an avid traveller then you have probably found out that there are certain gadgets and gismos that can make your travelling experience easier and often more pleasurable. It may be that you miss the mod cons you have at home and are not able to transport such luxuries around with you but that doesn’t necessarily mean to have to forfeit everything.

If you like to watch films, surf the internet or even keep in touch via the social media sites, you may be able to use your phone, but often this just doesn’t cut it. Investing in a notebook may be the best way to get access to all of the above without carrying a bulky laptop around. When looking for a notebook be sure to check the technical spec meets the requirements you need and also that the battery life is good. It may be that you use your notebook on the go and have nowhere to charge it up during the day.

If you want to make sure that you have quality internet access when in your hotel room then you may want to fork out for a wireless mini pocket router. With this nifty gadget you can create your own WiFi network by tapping into the cable attached to the desk in many hotel rooms. Many of them also come with an extra USB port allowing you to charge another device off it at the same time.




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